Friday, February 18, 2011

Schools are suffering!

This is happening everywhere. Our children and grand children are already paying for our Government's mistakes!

They are all being denied a good education.  Too many cuts to our public school systems will cripple our nation in the future.

Gov. Rick Snyder's budget plan, announced Thursday, calls for a $300-per-student cut to school funding, as well as reductions to funding for Michigan's 15 public universities. Combined with a previously budgeted cut, the number increases to $470 per pupil, The Associated Press reported.
This number jumps even higher when adding the increase in retirement costs, Grand Haven Area Public Schools Superintendent Keith Konarska said. At $230 per pupil, this brings the total cut to $700 — meaning the Grand Haven district would lose an estimated $4 million in total. Read more 

 Parents will have to become more involved in supplementing their children's education.

The economy may be on the mend, but signs of decline still dominate in America's public schools as they plan their budgets for next year: Thousands of teachers once again brace for pink-slip season; more students will sit elbow-to-elbow in crowded rooms; computers that break down will sit unused; and kids will bring home longer lists of supplies – from crayons to sanitary wipes – that parents are supposed to buy for their classrooms.  Read more

A thought occurs to me as I read and hear about all the schools and the financial struggles. Grand parents could also give their grand children a hand with education. Grand parents are a valuable resource and should help insure the future.

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