Thursday, May 19, 2011

Does a Child You Know Suffer From ADHD?

Is someone in your life struggling...My Grand Daughter was
Are they losing their quality of life...BeCalm is bettering her quality of life!
Do you feel powerless...We Gave her the power to change and grow!
Attention, Focus, Concentration, Depression, Anxiety, Violence, Suicide, Traumatic Stress, Substance Abuse, Addictions, Mental Fog, Over-activity,
Apathy...  Loss of "Self"...
Loss of Family...  Loss of Job...
Even loss of life itself...  the list seems endless.
There's a common thread, and it's easily mended.
NeuroGenesis Inc. scientists have repeatedly proven this since 1984, with patent after patent, study after study, brain after brain. 
Seeking a permanent solution?  You've been led to the right place. 
Amino-Acid Precursor Therapies, (Neu-Beclam'd) are a common sense approach that simply concentrates, and delivers into your brain, the very same exact stuff God put into food.  Our brains are literally starving for it. 
Imagine the fog lifting...
the hyper stopping....
your "self" returning...
a calm remaining. 
Imagine your brain... running on premium.

You are not alone:  Listen to the voices of folks, just like you, reporting now common miracles.   

Read some the emails, we've received over the last fifteen years, you'll be moved.  I know I am.

After over 25 years of scientific research and success after success, NeuroGenesis knows something that you don't.
It has always been unnecessary... and still is. 
Dr. Kenneth Blum discovered all this back in 1984, these formulations have been offered by NGI since then and it's the same price it was in 1995.  How many other products with these credentials come to mind.
We've been poisoning ourselves and our families, and we're seeing the disturbing results. Just watch the news. Kids with guns in schools!
Drug therapies have many disadvantages.  Take Ritalin for example. "Reported side effects include insomnia, nervousness, skin rash, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, headaches, blood pressure and pulse changes, cardiac arrhythmia, abdominal pain and weight loss, slowed or interrupted growth, etc." 12 year old Matthew Smith, died from taking it.  They also state, "There is neither specific evidence which clearly establishes the mechanism whereby Ritalin produces its mental and behavioral effects in children nor conclusive evidence regarding how these effects relate to the condition of the central nervous system.
Don't believe the drug pushers when they tell you there is something wrong with "you" or your child.  It's Meth (lite) their forcing on our kids!
Alcoholism and substance abuse of all kinds, is as old as mankind itself.  Only in the last century have we come to understand that there are underlying genetic processes at work.  Pioneering medical research by Dr. Kenneth Blum, at the University of Texas, has led to this series of therapies, each tailored for specific individual needs during initial addiction recovery.
"Stop the Sirens Call".
Brain trauma of all kinds can only be made better by supplying the brain the "raw materials" it needs to function properly.  If you don't fertilize your garden, don't be surprised at the results.  It's just common sense that we must feed our brains the very specific 'fertilizer' it requires to function.  The "American Diet" is wreaking havoc with more than our waistlines, it's affecting our delicate brain chemistry, why are we surprised at the results?

NeuroGenesis, Inc. products are based upon the physical structure and function of the brain and its basic nutritional requirements.  Supplying the brain with the "raw materials" it requires to function properly.